Private Prescriptions


Guidance on prescriptions after seeing a private doctor

Can I get a private prescription transferred to an NHS prescription?

If you have seen a private specialist or doctor and they have prescribed a particular medication or treatment for you, this is a private prescription. Your GP Practice will not usually be able to transfer a private prescription onto an NHS prescription. 

Dental prescriptions cannot be transferred to an NHS prescription (including antibiotics) as GPs are not insured to prescribe for dental issues.

What happens if I wish to continue my treatment on the NHS?

If you ask your GP to take over a private prescription, they will only be able to do so if they are satisfied that the prescribing is appropriate, responsible and what they would prescribe for other NHS patients with the same condition.

Your GP may not be able to prescribe if:

  • The medication is not generally prescribed on the NHS
  • The use of the medication is not compatible with national or local prescribing guidelines
  • The medication is not licensed in the UK or is being used for a purpose not included in its UK licence
  • The GP does not believe the medication is appropriate or necessary for you
  • The mediction is complex and must therefore remain with the prescribing consultant
  • We have not yet received the specialist letter detailing the medication prescribed - we are unable to consider a request based on a copy of a prescription
  • The medication is a "shared care" medication which has to be started by a specialist and stabilised before the GP can take over. We cannot prescribe until this stage has been reached.

If your GP is not able to prescribe the medication suggested by your private specialist, they may suggest an alternative but equally effective medication prescribed on the NHS. Alternatively, if you prefer, you an pay for your private prescription through your private doctor.

This will not affect any medications that you are currently being prescribed by your NHS GP. 

Please keep us informed of any medications you are accessing privately so we can check drug interactions when prescribing NHS medications.

More Information About Prescriptions